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Topic: Plan a Tibet travel in the Chinese New Year!

Posted: 2007-02-02 03:02:00

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 Author: ELLEN

2007-02-02 03:02:00 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

For the coincidence of Tibetan New YEar and Chinese New Year in this year, many travelers prefer to plan a trip to Tibet at that time. It is estimated that the new year would be a small peak for travel in Tibet.

Lhasa, the City of Sunshine, have plenty of warmness in the winter, the temperature at daytime would be at about 10 Celcius (50 F) on average.

And it is investigated that the accomadation charges would also be resonable then. The 3 star hotel costs about 200 RMB per day, while the lower costs 80 RMB-120 RMB.

The whole price would induce 200 RMB-1000 RMB compared to the peak time in the summer. Another good news, the price for train this year is not increased, a really wise plan to enjoy the scenery along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

Besides, it would not be so crowded to travel in the winter.
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 Author: CLOUD

2007-02-04 19:07:30 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

AS is known that Tibetan ethnic groups do not only occupy in Tibet, but also in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and other provinces of China. Many Tibetans in those places often choose to spend the Tibetan NEw YEar in Tibet.

Here are the crowds who are going to travel to Tibet by the train.
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 Author: CLOUD

2007-02-04 19:08:45 GMT-5

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A Tibtean grandma also joins in the crowds.
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 Author: CLOUD

2007-02-04 19:19:36 GMT-5

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Qinghai-Tibet railway is realy a benificial project. Many people take it as a heavely stair and not only the companies on the railway but also the locals protect it actively after the hard work to build it.

Really a good phenomenon.

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 Author: CATHY

2007-02-05 19:08:46 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Tibet railway is facing the first peak during the Chinese spring festival now.
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 Author: CATHY

2007-02-05 19:26:33 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

The raiway has made it much easy to travel to Tibet.
When asking about the feeling of traveling on the railway, a Tibetan girl of Qinghai Province said joyfully, 'Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty took two years to travel from Changan (the present XIan) to Tibet before, now two days is ok. My sister is married and lives in Beijing now, she just was not necessary to weep everyday for cherishing the hometown.'
The railway is really benificial. This makes me also remind when a girl married to a king in the distant land, the considerate king also trys to build a palace similar to the environment of her hometown to comfort her. If they lived in the mordern time, they would also lighten many sighs.
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 Author: CATHY

2007-02-05 19:33:17 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

However, Tibet travel needs much perseverence. I have also encounter an American called Mark, who chose particularly to travel on the hard seat instead of sleepers. He said that the 48 hours' sitting on the train is also a test for him to adapt to the inapproachable situation of Tibet.
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 Author: CLOUD

2007-02-07 01:30:40 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

yeah, but the condition is much better now.
Look at the cute baby and happy mum, be released!
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 Author: YOYO

2007-02-07 18:41:50 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Yes, at least we can sit or sleep in the comfortable train now.
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