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Chakpori Hill (Yao Wang Shan)

Chakpori Hill (Yao Wang Shan) is on the right side of Potala Palace with an altitude of more than 3,725 meters (about 2.3 miles). On the steep middle part of Chakpori Hill (Yao Wang Shan) is a small stone temple in the shape of a hole. A little strange! Although this stone temple or rather rock cave has witnessed thousands of years of swift changes in both prosperity and decline, it continues to stand quietly and proudly in Lhasa, a wonderfully mysterious place. The cave is an oblong shape, covering a total area of more than 27 square meters (about 32.3 square yards). There is also a pole in its center. A narrow ritual corridor is between this pole and the wall of the cave. Sixty-nine lifelike stone statues, considered masterpieces of Tibetan stone carving art, can be seen on the wall. Admission Fee: CNY 20

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