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Topic: Guests houses in Tibet?

Posted: 2005-02-19 04:37:43

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 Author: TOUANDA

2005-02-19 04:37:43 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Please, i was searching in internet, but i didn't find information, anybody can help me? Are there any guests houses in Tibet or all de lodges are hotels?
And what about the prices of each meal or of a double room?

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 Author: YETI

2005-02-21 02:16:37 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Tashi Dele, Touanda!

Yes there are plenty og guesthouses or youth-hostels in bigger places like Lhasa, Shigatse, Gyantse and so on. Prices start from 25 Kuai for dormitory to Western prices in luxury Hotels. In Lhasa it was possible to get doubles for 60 up to 120 Kuai in cheaper places. In rural areas lodging offers become less, but also cheaper, if you find something. In some monasteries you can sleep, too.

If you are looking for cheap food, try the street kitchens. But in major places you also find more expensive restaurants.
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 Author: MANTIS

2005-02-22 06:08:42 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Thank you very much, i'm becoming so fool, i can't find information about Tibet usefully for independent traveller.
Thanks another time!!

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 Author: MANTIS

2005-02-22 06:09:27 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

jejej, sorry, Mantis it's my nick, i'm touanda
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 Author: YETI

2005-02-23 02:34:35 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

?? ??

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