General Numbers:
Local Phone Number Inquiries: 114
Long-distance Phone Number Inquiries: 113
Police: 110
Fire: 119
Ambulance: 120
Weather Broadcast: 121
Consumer Complain: 12315
Tourist complaint Center: 0891-6833476
Area Code:
Lhasa: 0891
Shigatse: 0892
Shannan: 0893
Nyingchi: 0894
Chamdo: 0895
Nakchu: 0896
Ngari: 0897
Gonggar Airport Information Desk: 0891-6182220
Airplane Ticket Offices: 0891-6833446/6322417
Bus Station of TAR: 0891-6824469
People's Hospital of TAR: 0891-6332462
Lhasa People's Hospital Emergency Center: 0891-98120