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Topic: Tibet travel activity--AA system

Posted: 2006-05-29 05:25:56

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2006-05-29 05:25:56 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Walk into a life, walk into nature, walk into thous all, walk into plateau, walk into Tibet

This route is the experienced exploration traveler design, if have already turned into other uses, please tell, thank.
Activity time:June 20th in 2006, expiration date:Control according to time play, unlimited make
Movable aim:Emphasize life, the professional walks in the change destiny
Movable slogan:The body moved, the heart was far already, letting our environmental protection
Movable meaning:Push the green consumption, do the biggest affair with the minimal funds
(such as not airplane, don't charter car etc. method trip)Movable personnel's quantity:For the sake of the safe and better management, the control is in 12 people
The activity constitutes the way and responsibility:This activity is constitute by the friend of each profession of the passion trip, having no business behavior, do not take any expenses, the responsibility was complacent, the friend who has a heart attack attend, because of wanting to go green hide plateau
Movable expenses:Strict AA system, all items are AA systems
Attention:The following 1.2 etc. the numeral doesn't represent to use of the day count
activity agenda:

1, in China most HaiNan Islands of the south gather.
2, Haikou---Zhanjiang---Xi'an, play in Xi'an
3, Xi'an---Lanzhou, play in Lan'zhou
4, Lanzhou---the south of Gansu
5, Gansu---Qinghai
6, Qinghai---Lhasa, play in Tibet

for details you could see to the full edition, which is in poor english, and everyone is welcome

I publicize it for my friend,
and also some Tibet information you can contact me ---a Tibet fan:
MSN: wangxiaojie906@hotmail.com

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