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Topic: Kailash Kora

Posted: 2007-08-24 21:09:38

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2007-08-24 21:09:38 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

Hi there,

I'm heading back to Tibet this Oct, for Mt Kailash, intending to do the Kailash Kora. I'm not exactly a very physically fit person, so was wondering if anyone would share his/her experience in doing the kora. Is it very tough?? How is the trek like? The last time when I tried trekking from Rongphu to EBC, I was totally exhausted. The thin air certainly worn one out. So, for Kailash kora, the altitude is even much higher. Anyone with any tips/suggestion on how to conquer the kora?

Also, any tips/suggestions on how to ensure one's safety, as well as one's belongings' safety on travelling alone in the train from Beijing to Lhasa?

Many thanks in advance!!!
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 Author: ELLEN

2007-08-26 20:07:31 GMT-5

ip: *.*.*.*

hi, Do you mean to climb the Mt.Kailash? That's true, the altitude there is high, but since you have had the experiece of treking to the hih plateau, I think that doesn't mean much for you.
For things about Mt Kalash, you can refer to http://www.tibettrip.com/cityguide/ngari/kailash.htm
And for the mountain sickness, see:

As to the safety in Tibet, you need no worrying, for the people there is religious, and concerns much about ethical thought.
For the safety on the train, I think it is better if you to travel in the sleeper carriage. But I think it is also not quite a problem for the Tibet trains sell no ticket without seat, so it is not very crowded as other trains in China. But whatever, you should place your belongs safer, and watch it carefully, especially when the train comes to a stop. And don't forget to take along them when you get off the train.

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