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 Q: What is the condition of the accommodation in Tibet?
A: In most cities and counties in Tibet, there are hotels and guest houses for lodging, but the service may be inferior to those of the inner land of China. In Lhasa, lodging ranges from guest houses to four star hotels. In Shigatse, Gyangtse, Tsedang and Nyingchi, the highest standard is three stars. In Tingri, Zhangmu and Nakchu, the highest are two stars while in other smaller or remote areas, accommodation is mainly in guest houses.

 Q: Are there many starred hotels in Tibet? Are they difficult to book? And are they expensive?
A: In Lhasa and Shigatse, the starred hotels are more. There are 40-50 star hotels in Lhasa and 10-20 in Shigatse. Except for the golden weeks of May Day Holiday, National Holiday and Shoton Festival, the hotels are not difficult to book. There are fewer starred hotels in other regions, but there are always rooms unoccupied due to fewer travelers. In the low season, the hotels almost go out of business, while in peak season, the charges are about 30% higher than the inner land, and sometimes up to twice as much.

 Q: Does Lhasa have a five-star hotel?
A: Yes, there are, but officially none yet. Details can be got in Lhasa Lodging.

 Q: Do the hotels in Tibet provide water heaters?
A: Yes, most of the standard rooms of the starred hotels in Tibet have private washrooms with water heaters. The guest houses there have own public bathrooms with fixed time service.

 Q: Can I use the internet in the hotels in Tibet?
A: Yes, usually internet service is accessible in the business center or the separate internet café in the hotels, and private internet service may be offered in the luxury rooms of a hotel.

 Q: Do the hotels provide drinkable water? What about coffee?
A: Usually every room of the hotel is equipped with a drinking trough or thermos, with drinkable hot water provided. Coffee is uncommon is the rooms, but many hotels have a separate café.

 Q: Do I need a tent or sleeping bag in Tibet? Where can I get them in Tibet?
A: For traveling to the well-trodden areas in the major cities or towns of Tibet, no tent or sleeping bag is needed, for there are many starred hotels which provide good services. However, when going to remote areas where only guest houses are available, you should bring a sleeping bag to keep warm and clean. You can bring a tent if you would like to camp for the night, such as at Namtso Lake.

Tents and sleeping bags can be easily hired in Lhasa. Many travel agencies offer such service, as do some stores in the square of Potala Palace.

 Q: Can I lodge in local houses?
A: Yes, Tibetans welcome travelers to their houses. Now, Tibetans have opened many hostels themselves, which are very popular with travelers for they can have close contact with local people and learn about their customs. In Lhasa, there are many hostels of this kind in the old district, especially around Barkhor Street.

 Q: Can you recommend some hotels in Lhasa and other regions?
A:For information on hotels in Tibet, please refer to 'Lodging' column in Tibet Guide.

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